Haha , yesterday i said hello in france today Japanese !
Part 1 of 5/5/2011 post
Anyway today i'll post stuff regarding the 2011 Singapore Election vehicle. As you guys know that singapore is going to have a poll for citizen of Singapore and they have like a few vehicle going around with speakers and asking people to vote for them , and it's super annoying for example
- You are taking you exam halfway and the vehicle came and ask you to vote for them
- You are sleeping halfway and the vehicle came and ask you to vote
- When you are watching show, the vehicle came and ask you to vote
- When you are showering , the vehicle came and ask you to vote
Anyway i wish that i'll not have to hear the lorry come so many time in 1 day. D:
Oh yeah , people feel free to share with me how the Election vehicle irritate you if you think that it's annoying (: Otherwise if you think it's not annoying you can say the reason in my cbox too.
I am not trying to preach or criticize anything about the election but just saying out the fact that i feel if you think this is offensive than please just get out of my blog . Thanks ! Or just simply press Alt F4 (:
I am not trying to preach or criticize anything about the election but just saying out the fact that i feel if you think this is offensive than please just get out of my blog . Thanks ! Or just simply press Alt F4 (:
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Part 2 of 5/5/2011 post
Okay part 2 (: Today was my Maths paper 1 and good news is the Maths paper is rather easy !
However i totally forgotten how to do tesselation and translation.
Anyway i had revise yesterday and so i feel that i am gonna pass but not with flying colours luh~ Hahaha !
Okay shall post till here. Hopefully will finish my revision later and go out (:
Stay tune for more updates people (:
Loves my readers
Edwinn.G (:
Loves my readers
Edwinn.G (: