Name: Edwin Goh
Screen Name: Simplyedwinn
Age: 18
Horoscope: Libra
About myself
I started blogging 5 years back under the influence of my friends. Blogging to me back then was simply to rant and also blog about my daily life just like a normal journal/diary. Currently, i am just a typical 17 years old student who have a blog. If you are wondering what i blog about, i basically blog about my life, food and sometimes i still rant! I really enjoy hanging out and taking pictures hence i always spam my Instagram @Simplyedwinn with food, pictures of myself and stuff which i find is interesting! I am rather active on my Twitter and Facebook hence you guys could hit me up there as well!
Want to know more about me? You can view my FAQs here
In case if you want to contact me...
Email: Simplyedwinn[at] (Sponsors Purpose/Business/Ads)