Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today post will be about my NPCC family (:

NPCC Sec3s (:

3 Random facts about my squad ;

  • My Squad is really bond together compared to Sec 1'2009 (:
  • We have been through Happy and Sad times , and we have gone through many sweat and tears.
  • We used to have more than 40 cadets but now it's much lesser compared to 2009 (: 
Anyway , we'll soon become NCOs and i really hope that we'll be ready to take over and hopefully the Sec 1s and 2s will not hate us (:
Anyway , i had been thinking if i will be happy or sad when i pass out of NPCC next year . Hopefully i'll not cry .
Recently the Sec 4s had their POP and my squad did a party and we had cakes which cost us $_ _ _ and guess what , i dun even think that the Sec 2s and 1s will do that to us when we pass out . But anyway as long as my squad is there for me i'm sure i'll be happy during next year POP (:

To:Sec4s (:
Thanks for teaching us so many new drills when we were in Sec2 . Thanks for all the laughter n punishment we had (: Thanks alot . Study hard hor Seniors !!
Come back and vsit us when ur graduate okay !! 
Yeah , this is the cake we bought for the Sec 4s (:

Okay , anyway this 1 year before the POP i'll have to cherish the moment with my squadmates and i must have funfunfun ! Anyway i shall post till here now (: byebye !! 
My paikia squad (: No luh~ Just a fun shot . 
Sec4s (:
My squad at one of the Hike 2010 (:
NCO Training camp or i can say unit camp (:
Setting up the Campfire .

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